brussels sprouts

April 29, 2004 :: Where Does the Time Go?

Reading: "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them" by Al Franken
Knitting: Silk Ribbon Drop-Stitch Scarf -- almost done!
Current NetFlix: Spellbound, Finding Nemo, House of Sand and Fog (I read the book on our honeymoon and liked it quite a bit)
Most Recent iTunes Download: Hey Mama by the Black Eyed Peas and Some kind of Wonderful by Joss Stone

Spring has Sprung
Over the past few weeks the baby birds have returned to Redwood Shores. I love seeing them. This is Riley's favorite time of the year, too, also because of the Geese, but for different reasons -- they leave little treasures for least that's the way he see's it. We've had an amazing spring time, starting with perfect weather in March.

The Brian Chronicles
Brian has been doing a fair amount of racing and has upgraded to level 3. He's been side-tracked a bit by two pretty bad colds, so it took him longer than he had hoped to upgrade, and he missed a few races he was looking forward to. The WebCor team seems to be doing well, though, and a lot of the guys have gotten upgrades this spring. One of my favorites (as a spectator) is coming up so I'll take pictures then. Rob is racing it this year, too, so Ali and I are planning on making a day of it.

Lost and Found
In other news, I've recently gotten back in touch with my BFF (best friend forever...duh!) from high school, Hannah. It's been really nice talking to her again. She's married and lives in Barcelona now and she sounds like she's really loving it there. It's crazy looking at pictures of her family and seeing Will all grown up- I haven't seen him in 10 years. Actually, I haven't seen Hannah in about 7. Oddly enough, my one of my BFF's from college recently visited Spain and got to spend time with Hannah and her husband (they had only met once, years ago, but it sounds like they had fun).

The Streak is Over
My injury-free streak ended this past week. Nothing horrible, really. Well, actually, I suppose there's a chance my toe is broken, but there's not much Doctor's can do with toes and feet, so I'm kind of riding it out. I can walk on it, and it's not as purple or swollen as it was yesterday, so i'm just going to take it easy over the weekend, ice it, and be glad it's summer and i don't have to cram it into a shoe. It was just a stupid injury, too- just one of those things where you're running around and you stub your toe on something. I stubbed mine on the side of the door to our closet. I'm sort of bummed because today will be the first day I'll have to "call in sick" to the farm (i'm not counting the 2 months i couldn't go because i was in traction last year). I hate calling in sick- I've made it through those chores on some rough days and I'm bummed that a stubbed toe is takin' me down.

Last month we entered Riley in his first Agility Competition. It was not good. We had been on break from classes (our teacher had a baby) but the competition was nearby so I figured I'd give it a whirl anyway. Brian was visiting his family in Chicago for the weekend so I went solo. We entered two courses and did poorly in both. Our classmate Scott and his dog Kyra did a little better, the first day they scored 4th place in one of their courses, and the second day they had a clean run...I can't remember how they placed. Anyway, I swore I'd never do that again because it was so boring (7am-5:30pm with about 15 minutes of excitment), but I changed my mind. Brian wanted to give it a try and there's another competition tomorrow, so we signed up. Looks like Brian will be running all three courses since I can barely walk. I'll at least be bringing my knitting and book in case it's really bad. We also have more classmates, and our teacher that are competing, so it will be fun to see them.

November 19, 2003 :: countdown to turkey

Welcome Enzo. Congratulations Ilia and Matt.

We're still waiting for news on our other expectant friends, Debby and Jeff. Should be any day now. And just in case people thought we were kidding about everyone we know having babies, we have another friend due in February and our agility instructor just announced she's due in early march. I forget who I was talking to that had theorized that this was all a post-september 11th nesting thing. I wonder...

Another thanksgiving is approaching which means another Christmas and New Years is breathing down our necks. I honestly am flabbergasted at how fast time flies. I'm sure that's not "news" to many people, but it still amazes me. I moved to Northern California in November 1997, right around this time- 6 years ago! Every year I've been here I've been really lucky to have spent thanksgiving with a really great group of friends, and this year, 2 of them moved back to the east coast. It seems like the end of an era. I can't complain too much, because my parents and brother are coming out to visit (and also, our two friends are going to be visiting in December). My brother arrives Saturday, and my parents arrive Sunday or Monday. They are driving out and should be somewhere around Taos, New Mexico about now. I'm really looking forward to the visit.

Oh, we recently took our very first trip to Sacramento (this has nothing to do with Ah-nuld. Ugh). My old roommate from Almanor Ave lives there now, along with some other friends from my Miller Freeman days. We went to a birthday party and saw karaoke for the first time (did not participate, but I was VERY tempted when I found out Careless Whisper was in the catalog). We also hung out with Molly and got the grand tour of the city, and you know what? It's quite nice! I don't mean that to sound snooty, I just really wasn't sure what to expect. There's even part of the city that looks like an old west town.

Enough chit-chat for now.

October 27, 2003 :: phew

I've made a lot of promises about updating this site and have not had the time to follow through on any of them. I do still have plans for a reorganization, and also to add some albums of recent trips and activities. We've got pictures from my trip to Block Island, from some of Brian's races, from our trip back east for Ali's wedding, and a few other goodies. I am putting those projects back on the schedule, so it may happen in the next few weeks. I've been so busy I honestly have no idea where October went. Or September or August for that matter.

There's not a whole lot new out here, mostly we've been pretty busy. Busy is good though. I'm back spending lots of time at the farm again after last spring's unfortunate series of accidents. It's been great, too. I really feel like I've made lots of progress earning Pomo's trust. There's still a lot of work to be done, but it's a world of difference from this time last year when he wouldn't come up to me in the pasture- perhaps we had some "bonding" after our fall in February! It's starting to cool off (except for this past weekend, anyway) and the horses have been really high-energy. Lots of galloping around the pasture, chasing each other. The sad thing is that most of the horses are boarded there, and all but one hardly ever get visits from their owners. It makes for restless horses with too much energy. There's a horse there named "Q", who has just come back from being painfully thin due to his owners lack of interest in spending a little extra money for grain (Helena finally decided to feed him the grain on her own and he looks great). Anyway, "Q" is an Arabian and I have to admit, I really enjoy watching him gallop and trot around the pasture- it's beautiful- he's very statuesque and looks like he's floating on air. He's really high-energy (typical arabian), even for his age (23) so he might be a little scary to actually ride.

On one of the rare days where we had time to take a stroll around our neighborhood, we noticed a peculiar thing that happens out on Redwood Shores. Apparently there are sardines in the waters, and there is something (not sure what, perhaps a large preditor under water) that makes them jump out of the water. We saw what had to be a school of thousands of them jumping out of the water- they jump straight up in the air and back under again. It looks and sounds like raindrops on the water. It was really very cool.

Oh, if you're in the SF area, I highly recommend checking out the Chagall show at the SFMOMA. Aside from the crowds, it's really quite wonderful (Chagall has always been one of my favorites, though!). It's only around 'til November 4, so if you haven't seen it yet, ya better hustle...

October 5, 2003 :: Finally some free time (brian)

So fall is here, and the cycling "season" is over. Tricia and I had a nice trip back east a couple weeks ago. We went to Avalon, NJ and spent the week with her parents and brother. We test drove some nice boats, got in a good beach day, caught 31 crabs, and managed to get out of down just as hurricane Isabel hit. Tricia and I then went to Ali and Ed's wedding near Fishkill, NY. It was a great time, and the weather was really nice. The wedding was in a small chapel on the Hudson River, Westpoint was just across the way. The morning of the wedding I helped Ed set up for the reception at The Bird and Bottle Inn and Pub. They have a large tent outside for receptions, and our task was to get the inside ready to go. We set up tons of rigging for lights, a big sound system, stage for the band, and more. It was a lot of work, but it was fun to see how it turned out at the reception that evening.

I recently left SRI and have taken a job with Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA), in the Silicon Valley Office. I think it's a great move for me, and will prove to be a good fit.

I had a good first year of racing, I managed to win the Suisuin Harbor Criterium (in Men's Senior 4), and had several other good placing. I'm looking forward to building up for next year, and really having a great year. To help me meet those goals, I hired a coach, and I think working with Dan will really help take me to the next level.

Look for some more pictures soon, as I learn how to use a Mac and help get some of our digital pictures up.


July 8, 2003 :: Long Weekends—not long enough

We had a great visit with Brian's parents and managed to fit quite a bit into the long weekend. We found a new place to hike with Riley- it's called Pulgas Ridge and it's in San Carlos off Edgewood Road. There's even a pretty large section for off-leash walks, which is a rare thing out here. We also went to the baseball game friday to watch the San Jose Giants lose miserably to the Lancaster Jethawks. We were moaning about our seats (which faced west) until the sun went down, but it worked out great in the end because we got to see downtown San Jose's fireworks AND the fireworks following the game. What a show!

On Saturday we took Riley over to Fort Funston (off-leash doggie beach just south of SF) where it was a pretty typical San Francisco summer day—completely fogged in and about 53 degrees. We spent some time exploring the beach and looking for sand dollars and sea glass and Riley ate some dead jellyfish. Riley also encountered his first seal and was terrified. It was dead and it's face was decaying, but Riley was still a little worried it might jump up and chase after him.

Sunday we went up to the city and checked out the new Asian Art Museum on Larkin. It was great. My favorite parts were the collection of Indonesian Puppets and the amazing manuscripts (from many different cultures).

I've also got the sewing "bug" and hope to be able to put more photos online soon (the "Made By" section has been updated, for those of you who are interested).

One more thing- I've been meaning to post pictures of the "Altered Barbie" show that my friend Atticus participated in. Ali and I went up to check it out a few weeks ago. Well, I've decided that Atticus did such a fine job of posting Ali's pictures that I'll just link to his page. I really liked tissue paper Barbie. Reminded me of a game we played at my wedding shower in NJ. Atticus did a fine job with his, as well (see second picture down- the snake goddess Barbie with the red hair, and the silver one, whose "name" I can't remember). The show is gone now, btw.

June 30, 2003 :: "news"

riley windowunderbed
So it's been a while. I suppose a lot has happened (what with my latest hand recovery and all) and a lot hasn't happened- like updating this web site. I've put these pictures of riley online to freshen things up a little. He really likes to sit on the sofa and look out the window at the birds that swim by. He sat like this for about an hour the other night. He hates getting his nails clipped, which is why he retreated to under our bed. He's had some nail clipping trauma, so I see where his fears come from, but he certainly doesn't make things easy.

I'm really hoping to get to this site soon, but the fact is, it's kind of low on the "to-do" list. We've been really busy lately, and this week we're looking forward to a visit from Brian's parents. On Friday we're all going to the San Jose Giants baseball game (yes...San Jose Giants. it's the minors). Rumor has it they have some great fireworks. Ali and Rob are coming with us, and we're hoping to run into a few other friends as well.

In other news, since people always ask, my hand is doing ok. it's fully functional as far as the break is concerned. it still gets achy now and then, but i'm using it lot these days, especially now that i'm not using that forefinger so much. The stitches are gone, but there's no feeling in the tip, which just feels weird. My doctor at urgent care warned me about touching hot things until it heals since I wouldn't be able to feel the pain. I thought that was pretty funny. I guess I'll get feeling back but it will take a while. The picture didn't come out real well, but i might still put it up here somewhere.

In baby news, two more friends are expecting. They're neck and neck- both due at the end of October/beginning of November. We'll keep everyone posted.

June 2, 2003 :: The Bride of Frankenhand

First things first. My hand has healed—officially pronounced a-ok by Dr. Hong and Wendy. Well, was healed. Then I wandered into the kitchen one fine evening to make a meal for myself and my boys and all that changed. I have managed to slice my index finger wide open on the very same hand I've worked so hard to recover. I suppose things could be worse- I do indeed have 5 stitches right across the tip of my finger, but it doesn't hurt that bad anymore and they say the stitches can come out this friday. That beats my month in traction. I'm tossing around the idea of uploading a picture for those of you who aren't too easily grossed out and who may be curious. I know you're out there.

Anyway, all that happened just 2 days after we returned from a great road trip travelling the wild west. I have a ton of pictures to post, which I had hoped to do this weekend, but things came up and I didn't quite get to it. We went to Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon, and it ended at just about the right time. We took Riley and I think we were all about ready to get out of the car near the end. I'll put up more details along with the pictures. Maybe tomorrow night...

More great baby news. Greer and Bart had Constantine Alexander on May 18 and Jeff and Laura welcomed Grace Caroline on May 25. I also found out my old Almanor Avenue neighbor and wine buddy Katie gave birth to Luke Thomas on April 4. There are babies everywhere!

April 23, 2003 :: Happy Birthday Brian!

Brian is 32. That's 224 in dog years.

Baby update: Atticus and Minnie have finally welcomed Luca.

Dosha Lives!

April 18, 2003 :: No news is good news

Not a whole lot to report. Hand therapy is moving forward slowly but surely- its been 7 weeks since surgery and I'm just now getting close to "functional" flexion. I feel functional (but weak), and I suppose that's the important thing. I'm just short of being at lower risk for tendonitis, so I'll be back at the farm hauling loads of poop in no time (that's a good thing).

On a less than positive note, Brian's bike had a little accident (not Brian, just his bike), so his race schedule has been slowed a bit. His plan to order a new race bike was moved up, so he should be back on track in May.

Getting ready for Brian's birthday next week, and a visit from my brother. My pal Ruby and I are also making another appearance at the deAnza Flea Market selling our bags and cards, so I'll be busy gearing up for that. Also keeping an eye on Atticus and Minnie's baby watch. Should be any day now til "kid b".

*Side note: added new background to make this easier to read... there will most likely be many more changes in the next 2 months. I'm starting to hate the color green I picked- oh, and there are all those "coming soon" pages to deal with.

April 7, 2003 :: Side Effects, etc.

No pictures, but I have discovered an interesting side-effect of my injury. Apparently because of the cell changes occuring I have begun to sprout black hairs on the back of my hand. Lovely. I continue to make slow but steady progress with gaining motion and flexibility in my hand, even though it can be discouraging at times. Wendy keeps mentioning that if we were really going to be aggressive, she could use a hammer to hit it into a stretch...I'm pretty sure she's serious. She also keeps telling me about some surgical procedure where they scrape the scar tissue from your ligaments. No thank you.

On a more positive note- Brian came in 12th at the Road Race in Sonora this weekend. There were 2 other Alto Velo guys in the top 15. Go team!

March 31, 2003 :: The broken bone brigade

Found out this morning that baby Parker (see below) had an accident this weekend and suffered a broken leg. He has to have surgery and will have pins put in to set the break. He won't be in for a few days, at least (his owner is on press with our next issue), but I will post an update when I see him next.

March 29, 2003 :: Pomo

pomo Had a nice visit with Pomo out at the farm this morning and thought I'd take some pictures so everyone could see what he looks like. As you can tell, he's doing fine since the big fall. Riley and Brian both came out there with me, and Riley had a blast checking out the horses. He hasn't figured out they aren't big dogs yet (he follows behind them, nose in the air, trying to sniff their butts). Riley was quite jealous that the horses were getting fed carrots. On the way home we heard some crunching coming from the back of the car to find he had gotten into the bag and was helping himself to the rest of them!

March 29, 2003 :: Happy Belated Birthday

birthday cake Riley met all of his brothers and sisters (and saw mom again) for the official celebration of his first birthday. Everyone was there except Otto, who we met back in February. I've made a separate "album" page for all the pictures. Sadly, I cannot tell most of the black/brown dogs apart so they don't have names listed!

>> Show me the album

March 28, 2003 :: Freedom! or My Big Fat Swollen Hand

after I went in for X-rays yesterday and they determined everything looked good enough to remove the contraption. Joy! I still have many weeks of therapy ahead to regain movement, but at least I'm back in normal clothes.

March 19, 2003 :: New Kid on the Block

parker This is Parker, he's fresh outta quarantine for being a puppy and at high risk for Parvo. Now he's free to play with everyone here at work. Riley had a blast playing with him yesterday, but Jaya isn't so sure about him. He's a Springer Spaniel, and something like 12-13 weeks. Cute!

March 18, 2003 :: Our New View

new house This is the first picture we have of our new place, showing the view from our patio at about 6:45am. The view is facing West, and the sunsets are amazing (you can sort of make out the foothills in the distance). All rooms have a water view except the bathrooms, and there is another patio off the master bedroom. Unpacking is going slowly because of the hand and there are still a few boxes to unpack and pictures to hang. Once the place looks more presentable, we'll post more.

March 18, 2003 :: Riley's Girls (his Agility Classmates)


Pictures, from left: Echo (Sheltie); Widget (Corgi); Tina (Corgi); Action shot of Riley clearing a 16" jump.
Train, the Border Collie, hadn't arrived yet, so I'll have to get him next time. Of course, Train is lightening fast, so I probably wouldn't be able to get him to sit still, anyway- it was hard enough with these guys! See how it looks like Riley is going really fast? He's not so fast at all.

February 22, 2003 :: Riley's Reunion (by tricia)

emma louWink & RileyPeeWeeMom, Riley & Otto

Pictures, from left: Sister Emmi Lou; Periwinkle (mom) and Riley; brother Pee Wee; brothers Riley(L) and Otto(R) with Periwinkle(in front).
Riley's first visit with Mom and a couple siblings since he left home at the tender age of 7 weeks. We met everyone at the dog park in Mill Valley, and it was a great day! Riley enjoyed playing and showing off on the little agility course there, and we loved seeing how the others turned out. The offical birthday party/reunion is set for the end of this month (although the official birthday is February 10). More pictures after that party.

February 17, 2003 :: Frankenhand (by tricia)

hand picture


Day off, end of a 3 day weekend, beautiful and sunny. I decided to head out to the farm a couple hours before it was time to feed and take Pomo out on a short ride. We spent a bit of time down by the tie bars practicing our mounting. Because Pomo lost his right eye to cancer, he tends to be a little more cautious than other horses and is especially nervous when something is above him. So we worked on this a while, just circling the mounting block and getting him comfortable with me standing on it. I got on, and we took off for a ride to Deer Hollow Farm, at Rancho San Antonio. The preserve is a short distance from the farm, down a residential road. We hadn't gotten more than a few feet on the road when Pomo slipped on something and fell. I fell with him, to the left. Everything went very fast and I think that on impact my left hand was under my left leg, which he came down on. i hit my head pretty hard (thank god for helmets) and when I stood up my left hand, shoulder and knee were sore. Pomo looked OK, except that he was bleeding from his mouth. I was riding bareback, but did have a bridle and bit on. I went into complete panic mode, and we ran back down to the corral where I removed his bridle and a bareback pad I was using. He seemed sore, and a little freaked out. I went to get Helena (this amazing woman who owns the farm) and she checked Pomo's mouth. She said it looked like he just cut his cheek or lip and that he'd be just fine. I got an ice pack for my hand and went back out to feed the first 3 horses (Chip and Esaul were edgy, and fighting a bit). While the horses were eating I went out to the pasture where Pomo was laying down, and just sat with him a while. I knew I couldn't leave until I saw that he could eat and drink. I finished the rest of the chores (I have no idea how!), fed Pomo (he ate, and didn't seem to be bleeding anymore), and left for home. On the drive home the adrenaline started wearing off and when I looked down at my hand it was swollen and blue. I called Brian and gave him the heads up that an emergency room visit might be in order. It turns out that my pinky was broken, or shattered, in several places (see the diagram), so they gave me some pins and put me in traction. ouch. Xrays on March 27 will determine when this thing comes off. More pictures here.